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Products tagged with hond (7)
Virkon™S 1Kg
The broad-spectrum formulation of Virkon®S is unique. No other disinfectant has such a powerful composition or such an extensive portfolio of performance and safety test data.
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Virkon™S 1Kg
Liquid Paraffin 1 Liter
Liquid Paraffin (1 liter) supports digestion in horses, dogs, and cats with constipation or colic. It helps stimulate digestion, is easy to administer, and suitable for daily use. Always consult your veterinarian first.
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Liquid Paraffin 1 Liter
Virkon S 5 Kg
Virkon®S 5kg Breitspektrum-Formulierung ist einzigartig. Kein anderes Desinfektionsmittel hat eine vergleichbare leistungsstarke Zusammensetzung oder eine so umfangreiche Palette von Leistungs- und Sicherheitstestdaten.
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Virkon S 5 Kg
Virkon™S 50 gram sachet
The broad-spectrum formulation of Virkon®S is unique. No other disinfectant has the same powerful composition or such an extensive portfolio of performance and safety test data.
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Virkon™S 50 gram sachet
DCP Spray 200ml
DCP Spray is a powder spray for relief of itching and skin irritations in horses, cattle, pigs, sheep, and dogs. The ingredients soothe the sensitive and irritated areas of the skin and have a disinfecting effect.
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DCP Spray 200ml
Fiprotec 20-40kg 4 pipettes