Balanced Solution for Stress Resistance
Stress factors
Environmental and management stressors are the main reasons for reduced economic efficacy of modern livestock animals. Stress factors influencing productivity are:
• Relocation
• Vaccination
• Crowding
• Agitation
• Feed changes
• Hot climate and high humidity
Physiological reactions to stress
Stressors may trigger a cascade of physiological reactions. Various hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are involved. In consequence, energy consumption through heightened alertness is increased while the immune defense becomes impaired. Even shortterm stressors can cause severe negative economic impacts in regard to biological performance and disease resistance.
Innovative formulation with synergistic effects
The different ingredients of Stress Pack® SL act at various spots in the endocrine and neuromuscular system enabling them to cope with stress factors and to reduce the development of stress symptoms.
The efficiency of the combined components of the product exceeds
the sum of the single components.
Synergistic effects of the four components result in a significant reduction of stress hormones. The balanced formulation helps to maintain performance parameters such as weight gain and feed conversion ratio.