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I will introduce myself briefly...

Hello dear visitor, welcome (back) to the blog of Zoolac.nl.

Since I am new to Zoolac.nl and responsible for the webshop and the blog, it might be nice to introduce myself so you know who is behind the (upcoming) posts and the processing of your orders.

My name is Annerie and I have been working at Zoolac.nl for a few months now. I am 53 years old and I love animals. Whether it's cats, dogs, rabbits, horses, chickens, guinea pigs, pigs, etc., every animal has something I love or find beautiful. Well, except spiders, I can't mention anything positive about them or find anything beautiful in them.

I have two cats myself, Fleurtje, who is 3 ½ years old (an estimate), and Saartje, who is 1 ½ years old.


Here's a short video of Fleurtje:

Fleurtje came from the shelter and is a European Shorthair. Her exact age is not known since she wandered into the shelter. Fleurtje is a bit shy around strangers, but for me, she is my best buddy. She 'chats' all day, follows me everywhere, and sleeps wonderfully on my belly at night. And yes, I really sleep very well, haha. Fleurtje loves sunbathing and loves food very much ☺️, she's a bit chubby, but fortunately, she's otherwise super healthy.


Here's a short video of Saartje:

Saartje comes from a litter in someone's home and is a Ragdoll. Not entirely purebred, but that's not important to me at all. Saartje is not shy at all, a real cuddlebug who starts purring as soon as you look at her, and occasionally she's wonderfully naughty. Saartje loves to be brushed, thankfully, because it has to be done daily. If we don't do this, she gets mats very quickly that can't be combed out anymore. Saartje also loves food. As soon as I say 'food' in the evening, she starts meowing and rubbing against my legs.

Unfortunately, Fleurtje and Saartje are not friends, they tolerate each other and leave each other alone, fortunately, they don't fight. Sometimes they like to play with each other or chase each other, then no place in the house is safe. So they don't like to lie together, which is a shame, but unfortunately, it can't be changed.

My cats go outside in my garden but not beyond. Personally, I don't like the idea of my cats being in danger from passing cars, cyclists, or mopeds, but also from potential cat haters. Also, I don't want other people to be bothered by my pets, I chose them, my neighbors didn't. But oh well, as I see my cats, they are more than satisfied, my house and garden have plenty of play, hunt, sleep, and hiding spots, I have 3 litter boxes, 4 scratching posts, and the floor is littered with cat toys. Add to that all the attention they get from me, my 2 sons, and 2 daughters-in-law, then you understand that they lack nothing.

Starting today, April 4, 2022, I will regularly post fun topics on the blog, but I would also love to receive your fun stories about your pets that you want to share with me/us, you can email these to annerie@biosecurity.nl. It would be nice if I could then post them on our blog. For questions or comments, you can of course always contact me via the above-mentioned email address.

Hopefully, we will share a lot with each other.

Best regards,
