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Why is combating red mite so important?

Controlling red mites is important because these parasites can have significant negative effects on chickens. Particularly during warm days, it is crucial to be vigilant about the presence of red mites. Red mites thrive best at temperatures above 25°C and a humidity of 70%. Under these conditions, existing red mites can multiply 10 to 100 times within 1-2 weeks. The effects of red mites on chickens are outlined below:



          • Weight loss of up to 100 grams per week
          • Increased losses in mature laying hens of up to 0.08% per day
          • Reduced well-being and increasing stress
          • Rise in feather pecking in 50% of the chickens during the night
          • Anemia; up to 14% fewer red blood cells in the blood
          • Discoloration of the comb. The comb loses its red color
          • Dull feather coat. Feathers lose their luster and become dull/gray


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          • Significantly reduced growth, leading to lower weight in chicks until the end of the rearing period
          • Increased mortality rates of up to 100% in chicks




          •  Lower egg weight. It is estimated that the weight per egg is about 0.5 grams lower

          • A decline in egg production by up to 28%

          • Reduced quality of the eggshell




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          • A rising feed intake of up to 2 grams per day per chicken

          • Higher water consumption




Since red mites are primarily active at night and hide during the day, detecting an infestation early can be challenging. The behavior of the chickens also provides clues about the presence of red mites. Chickens with a high number of red mites tend to sleep a lot during the day, eat and drink poorly, and lay fewer or no eggs. Additionally, this can lead to a loss of condition and/or anemia in your chickens.

Detection and Control

To detect a red mite infestation early, it is recommended to take measures. The Finecto+ Test makes it easier to demonstrate the presence of red mites. This allows you to take timely action to prevent or limit the effects of red mites. Hang the two test tubes at the bottom of the roost and check each week for the presence of red mites in the tubes.

When the presence of red mites is confirmed, it is crucial to take action as quickly as possible to prevent further spread. Direct application of Finecto+ Protect is recommended. Finecto+ Protect is a control agent based on silicon dioxide and has proven effective against red mites. Finecto+ Protect Spray is a contact agent with an adhesive layer that adheres to red mites.

For more detailed information on combating red mites and how Finecto+ products can help, check here or contact info@zoolac.nl.

TIP: During warm periods, chickens may also experience heat stress alongside red mites. Want to know more about heat stress in chickens and supportive measures during warm days? Check here: https://www.biosecurity.nl/extra-ondersteuning-bij-kippen-tijdens-warm-weer